Jan 31, 2010

Parker, Spurs hand Hornets rare loss at home

Here's the first in what promises to be an ongoing feature: Game recap headlines taken completely out of context and with a temporary but total incapability to understand any figurative language whatsoever, which are then poorly illustrated in MSpaint.

Enjoy the first of our series, entitled, "Parker, Spurs hand Hornets rare loss at home"

Hello, and Welcome!

Hello, and welcome to Fat Pitcher, Ugly Baller. I'm Ugly Baller, AKA Steve; my colleague, Fat Pitcher, aka Nathan, is currently living and studying in China, and is therefore stuck behind the Great Firewall, and probably won't be able to blog frequently until he returns. That doesn't matter to me tremendously much right now, 'cause we've been talking about doing this blog for forever, and now we are.

Read this blog, because it will be updated at least twice a week, maybe, and when it is, it will be funny as shit. Shit is very funny. Read this blog and you will read about about professional basketball and baseball and all the stupidly amazing things that happen in and around them, and we will be insatiably obnoxious and totally punk rock. You will probably also read about Nathan's cultural experiences living in China and my own adventures with playing in a dumb little rock band and generally being very awesome. You will occasionally read ridiculous run-on paragraphs like this one from me, once in awhile when it's way too late at night and I am, sometimes against my better judgment, a bit wired on caffeine. You may read nothing -- there is a 57% chance Nathan's technological impediments will be too much and this blog will never be updated again. But if it is, you will certainly read post after endless post from Nathan and I talking about our deepest, most essential vice-tinged infatuations -- those which we loathe and resent above everything else, towards which we are furious beyond reason, and yet to which we are inexplicably and inexorably drawn to at all times and at all moments of our lives.

For Nathan, it is the fat baseball pitcher.

For myself, the ugly basketball player.

Okay, cool. Enjoy.